Sunday, April 01, 2007


A British woman claiming to be the mother of Michael Jackson's three children has filed legal papers requesting visitation rights and child support. Nona Paris Lola Jackson filed papers in the Los Angeles Superior Court onTuesday asking for the payments and shared physical custody allowing her and Michael to spend several hours a day with the children together. Nona - who is adamant she is the biological mother of ten-year-old Prince Michael, nine-year-old Paris and five-year-old Prince Michael II, who is known as 'Blanket' - even submitted a schedule demonstrating how easy it would be to make the arrangement work. Her proposals would still give the 'Thriller' singer full legal custody. Michael's ex-wife Deborah Rowe is named on the birth certificate as the mother of both Prince Michael and Paris, while the identity of Prince Michael II's mother is a mystery. Nona said: "Debbie's hospital records will prove that my kids are not hers because of DNA."I gave birth through the means of water birth because I am technically a herbalist."Nona insists Michael's marriage to Deborah was never consummated and therefore she cannot be the mother of his children.The court has already thrown out Nona's two previous custody attempts. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert Schnider refused last month to hear her motion, stating that Nona had failed to properly notify Michael and Debbie of her intentions and that, even if she had followed procedure, she had "failed to submit any credible evidence she gave birth to the minor children". Nona is also requesting she is given the singer's Neverland Ranch and one of his other homes. Michael's representative Raymone Bain has called her actions "ludicrous".Court hearings on her motion have been scheduled for May 2 and May 30.

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Friday, March 30, 2007


Michael Jackson's representative has denied the star was hospitalised with pneumonia yesterday. The 'Thriller' and pedophile singer was rumored to have been admitted to a Las Vegas hospital suffering from pneumonia but his spokeswoman insists he is at home and simply "under the weather". Raymone Bain told 'Access Hollywood': "Michael Jackson is not currently in the hospital nor has he been hospitalised with pneumonia."MJ is not hospitalised. I spoke to him a couple of hours ago and he was at home conducting meetings."I told one reporter that I did not know if the doctor had diagnosed him with pneumonia or a bad case of the flu."Everyone was a bit under the weather due to changing climates and the travelling, but he's OK."Michael is reportedly looking at plans for a possible long running Las Vegas show.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Michael Jackson Still Demands Weird Things !

Michael Jackson has demanded a children's xylophone and sweets during his stay at a British hotel.The eccentric singer told staff at London's Jumeria Carlton Tower Hotel to bring the items to his room as soon as he checked in. Michael, who has undergone several cosmetic surgery procedures, also demanded a giant mirror. A hotel insider said: "He wanted lots of bowls filled with Haribo sweets and also asked for a toy xylophone. He also asked for a 6ft by 6ft giant mirror."Michael - who jetted into London with his three children, son Prince Michael, daughter Paris and youngest son Prince Michael II, last week - is famed for his outrageous hotel demands. Last year, he had an 18ft wall built at London's Hempel Hotel so he, his children and his entourage could have more privacy, and it is not unusual for the star to hire entire floors. Rumors are rife that Michael is in London to sell his rights to his catalogue of Beatles songs.The 'Billie Jean' singer - who infuriated Sir Paul McCartney when he outbid him for the rights to the group's music 22 years ago - is being forced to sell the catalogue after running up huge debts, believed to total 400 million. In 1995, he was forced to sell part ownership of the catalogue, valued at almost 2 Billion, to his former record company Sony. He then used his remaining share as security for further loans.The deal with Sony stipulated that if he was unable to pay the loans back he would have be required to sell the remainder of the catalogue by May 31, 2008.

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Monday, March 12, 2007


Michael Jackson Could Lose Face Over Beatles Songs

Michael Jackson is set to lose his Beatles' songs.The singer, who infuriated Sir Paul McCartney when he out bid him for the rights to the group's music 22 years ago, is being forced to sell the songs after running up huge debts. Jackson has allegedly squandered his fortune on a lavish lifestyle. He also took out steep loans to fight recent child abuse charges. In 1995, he was forced to sell part ownership of the catalogue, valued at over a billion, to his former record company Sony and used his remaning share as security for loans. The deal with Sony stipulated that if he was unable to pay the loans back he would have be required to sell the company the remainder of the catalogue by May 31 2008. Fox News entertainment columnist Roger Friedman said: "The deal is not a lot for a celebrity who likes to travel, stay in expensive hotels and shut down toy stores for private shopping."It is believed Sony will charge Jackson $250 million for the expenses they have incurred. Jackson hopes to repay $250 million to a loans company once the sale is completed. Meanwhile, it has been reported Jackson's reunion with the Jackson Five could earn him $500. million.The group - who last regularly performed together 23 years ago - are set to earn a fortune from playing 250 Las Vegas concerts over three years. A world tour, a greatest hits album, two new songs, merchandise and product endorsements have also been discussed.The band - comprising of Tito, Marlon, Jackie, Michael and Jermaine - are currently in talks with producer Jack Wishna, who was responsible for Celine Dion's live residency in Caesar's Palace.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007


Michael Jackson Paid His Respects To James Brown

"The Godfather of soul," James Brown, was finally laid to rest in a crypt at the Beech Island, SC, home of one his daughters, Deanna Brown Thomas, pending the completion of a public mausoleum in an as-yet undisclosed location. He was buried at a private ceremony presided over by Rev. Al Sharpton. His last partner Tomi Rae Hynie wants to build a mausoleum and transform their marital home in a museum, copying the Graceland enterprise."This is what James wanted, for the family to come together. Everyone really felt like James was there with us," Brown's partner, Tomi Rae Hynie, told AP. "He was very private," said Sharpton, a longtime Brown confidant, according to AP. "Where he is now has nothing to do with court proceedings," Sharpton said."The children used their own funds to pay for their father's entombment so that their father could be put to rest without further delay," Sharpton, said a statement. Brown left "a substantial estate and substantial holdings ... which are currently being disputed in court," and Brown's children "wanted to see their father entombed in a resting place without delay, rather than await court decisions," he added.There was also criticism of the Saturday service. Buddy Dallas told the AP the trustees had made arrangements for Brown to be laid to rest at no cost at a "very prominent memorial garden in Augusta." "Mr. Brown's not deserving of anyone's backyard," said Dallas, who, in disapproval, was not at Saturday's service.About two weeks ago, attorneys in South Carolina agreed to take a DNA sample from the late singer James Brown to preserve for a possible paternity challenge. "This is just to preserve the sample," Tomi Rae Hynie's attorney Robert Rosen told the Charleston (S.C.) Post and Courier. "The court hasn't ruled as to whether anybody is entitled to do a DNA test."Brown died Christmas Day last year at age 73. His will does not mention Hynie or her son. James Brown's body has moved around at least as much as when he was alive. First it was his triple funeral when his body was carried around for everyone to pay their goodbyes, from New York at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, to his hometown at Augusta’s James Brown Arena. His body was then put to rest in his Long Beech Island home where it was locked in a temperature-controlled room and was kept under surveillance, Charles Reid, manger of the C.A. Reid Funeral Home in Augusta, Ga., which handled the services, said at that time. A movie about the life of singer James Brown is reportedly in the works with Spike Lee signed on to direct. Daily Variety reported last December that the picture, which was already in development when Brown Died, was on a track to begin production in 2008, or possibly late 2007.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Michael Jackson's reunion with the Jackson Five could earn him $500 million.The group - who last regularly performed together 23 years ago - are set to earn a fortune from playing 250 Las Vegas concerts over three years. A world tour, a best-of album, two new tracks, merchandise and product endorsements have also been discussed.The band - comprising of Tito, Marlon, Jackie, Michael and Jermaine - are currently in talks with producer Jack Wishna, who was responsible for Celine Dion's shows in Caesar's Palace. A source told Britain's Daily Mail newspaper: "The rest of the family were offered a deal to reform - for a much smaller payday - and told if they got Michael on board, the figure would skyrocket. The deal being thrashed out now is astronomical."However, it has not been easy convincing Michael to return to the group. He has reportedly made a series of outlandish demands regarding his Las Vegas move.The source added: "He has been requesting all sorts of additions, like finding a secure high-walled home for himself and his children in Nevada for the duration of the Las Vegas concerts."Rumors are also rife a Jackson Five theme park, museum, casino and hotel could be in the pipeline.The Jackson family's attorney Brian Oxman confirmed the band were in talks, but insisted the figures being discussed were "totally preliminary". Michael, 49, has estimated debts of 400 million. He was acquitted of 10 counts of child molestation in December 2003 and has since lived as a recluse.

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Monday, February 26, 2007


Michael Jackson is reforming the Jackson 5, it has been claimed.The eccentric singer is said to have been visited in Las Vegas by his brothers, Jackie, Jermaine, Tito and Marlon, who put forward the idea of getting the band back together for a tour.Michael's sisters Janet and Rebbie, and his other brother Randy - who was part of the Jacksons - were also at the family reunion and are keen on joining their siblings for a Jackson family tour.US gossip columnist Roger Friedman said: "A successful Jackson family tour could change everything for Michael. It would also be a financial boon for the whole family. The tour idea also works for Janet, whose last two albums have been huge disappointments."The idea of Michael and Janet performing a couple of duets, or Janet'sbrothers backing her on her own hits would be a tantalising prospect."Michael has been desperate to re-launch his career since being acquitted of child sex charges in 2005. He was previously in talks about a live residency at a major Las Vegas hotel and casino but the negotiations have since stalled.

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Monday, February 12, 2007


Britney Spears has been sent an open letter from a Rabbi branding her a bad mother. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach wrote to the 'Toxic' singer warning her to amend her ways for the sake of her two sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James. Rabbi Boteach said: "Allow me to share with you a teaching of the ancient Rabbis."Once you become a parent, Britney, life gets really serious."We can all pretend that life is one big party devoid of responsibility. And rarely being home, or coming home drunk, or letting your kids see you in a degraded state, will permanently scar your kids."Soon your boys will be surfing the internet. They'll see a lot of photos of you in poses that no son should ever see their own mother. Try and be home with your kids. Cover up. Limit the visits to the nightclubs."Despite his scathing criticism, Rabbi Boteach believes Britney can turn her life around and be a good mother. He ended the letter by saying: "I know you can get your life together, Britney. God bless you."
Not To defend Britney, But You Hang Out With Pervert Michael Jackson !

Rabbi Shmuley With Pedofile Friend Michael Jackson

Jesus Juice Anyone ?

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Sunday, February 11, 2007


Michael Jackson has asked music mogul Simon Fuller to help re-launch his career.The pair are said to have had several secret meetings over the last few weeks, with Simon flying Las Vegas to meet Michael last weekend. Michael is desperate to salvage his career following his 2005 child sex abuse trial, of which he was acquitted.He is reportedly hoping Simon, who created the Spice Girls and TV talent show 'Pop Idol', can make him a huge star once again. A source told Britain's The Sun newspaper : "Michael is determined to be a global phenomenon again."He knows it won't be easy because he comes with so much baggage, but he thinks that if anyone can pull it off, Simon can."The source added: "Simon is excited by the challenge. It's like nothing he has tackled before."Simon and Michael have already discussed a one-off Las Vegas show. Despite his controversial lifestyle, Michael still has a loyal fan base and is one of the most successful pop artists of all time. His 1982 album 'Thriller' is ranked as the highest selling album ever, with worldwide sales estimated at over 104 million.

Kid Loving Michael Jackson

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Saturday, January 27, 2007


Michael Jackson Unpacks His Face

Michael Jackson is back in the United States after living in Bahrain, France and Ireland. He emerged with his spokeswoman Friday to confirm to The Associated Press that he is back after more than a year in self-imposed exile following his acquittal in a high-profile child molestation trial that ended in June 2005. They also said he is on the comeback trail — planning a pair of "fan appreciation events" in Japan in March, one of which will charge $3,300 for the opportunity to meet the Gloved One. "I can confirm that he is in the United States," spokeswoman Raymone K. Bain said. "We don't give out information regarding our client's whereabouts because of safety, and this is just an ongoing policy." During the brief conference call, Jackson read a statement prepared for The Associated Press about his plans to visit Japan and allowed only one question: How are you? "I'm fine, thank you," was his reply. Jackson, one of the best-selling artists of all time, said he has chosen to come back to Japan because of the strong support he enjoys there. "My friends and fans in Japan have been so supportive of me and my family for many, many years," he said. "My fans in Japan helped me achieve historic milestones in the music industry." Broderick Morris, the promoter working the Japan side of Jackson's trip, said they have sold 220 of 300 tickets to a "platinum VIP party" on March 8. Guests will have dinner, get autographed photos and be able to "meet and greet" Jackson for 30 seconds to one minute, he said. A less-exclusive party is scheduled for the following day. Jackson is not obligated to perform at either event, and promoters refused to comment on how much Jackson, 48, would be paid. Jackson made his first official foray back into the spotlight after his acquittal with an appearance — again, in Tokyo — to accept MTV Japan's "Legend Award." Last November, he allowed the syndicated TV show Access Hollywood to film him in the studio, working on music with producer from the Black Eyed Peas.


Saturday, January 20, 2007


David Gest Liza Minnelli Michael Jackson Liz Taylor

Liza Minelli and David Gest have settled their differences enabling their divorce to finally go ahead.The couple's legal disputes officially came to an end on Thursday when their lawyers filed court papers saying they had resolved matters and agreed to divorce without fault.Gest's lawyer, Susan M. Moss, said: "Liza Minnelli and David Gest have resolved all disputes between them, and the parties will be divorced without fault on the part of either of them. The terms of the settlement are confidential. They will be divorced within the next few weeks." The couple have chosen to get divorced in Memphis, where Gest has a home, as the state of Tennessee had no-fault divorce, meaning neither party needs to accuse the other of any wrong doing. Minnelli's lawyer, Dorothy Weber, said: "An amicable resolution to all outstanding matters has been reached."Minnelli, 60, and Gest, 53, were married on March 16, 2002, in a star-studded ceremony with Michael Jackson as best man carrying the bride's train and Elizabeth Taylor as maid of honor. The couple split in July 2003, and both filed for divorce later that year. Before filing for divorce, Gest sued Minnelli for $10 million for assault, claiming she had beaten him so badly during alcoholic rages that he had to be hospitalised for five days after he suffered from nerve damage. Minnelli counter sued, claiming that Gest had stolen at least $2 million she earned while performing in shows he had produced.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007


The sexy couple David and Victoria Beckham

Michael Jackson is reportedly desperate for Victoria and David Beckham to buy his Neverland ranch.The singer, who left the property 18 months ago after being cleared of child abuse charges, wants the Beckhams to buy the 2,800-acre property for $20 million. Michael has asked estate agents to show the property details to Victoria,who has been house hunting ahead of David's summer move to the Los Angeles Galaxy soccer team.


However, Victoria is said to have no interest in Neverland, because it is in Los Olivos, California, 150 miles away from David's new training ground.Victoria, 32, is expected to look at around 35 properties in total, all valued between $10 million and $20 million. She reportedly has her eye on a $15 million mansion previously owned by Lionel Richie and is determined to find the perfect home for her family.Victoria said: "I want to make sure I pick the right one for David and the kids. I've seen some beautiful places, but we want somewhere that looks like a nice home."The former Spice Girl is planning to spend $100,000 on themed bedrooms for the couple's three sons Brooklyn, seven, Romeo, four, and 23-month-old Cruz.Victoria has asked children's boutique Petit Tresor to design murals, beds and furniture with a soccer theme. Petit Tresor's co-owner, Samantha Winch, said: "The idea is to make you feel like you're in a soccer stadium like Dad. Endorsement deals and screaming fans are sold separately!"

For a little more the house comes with a unlimited supply of Jesus Juice and Michael Jackson in the hidden rooms. GREAT BUY !

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Michael Jackson has patented a pair of anti-gravity 'moonwalking' boots.The eccentric singer's unique creation was designed to make it appear as if he was able to lean forward beyond the centre of gravity via slots in the heels of the shoes attached to hooks on the stage. Jackson registered his 'Methods and Means for Creating Anti-Gravity Illusion' in 1993 and was issued the patent number 5,255,452. The boots information came to light yesterday with the launch of a new Google Patents website, which gives users access to over seven million inventions filed with the US Patents Office between 1790 and 1996. Jackson is not the only celebrity to register a bizarre creation. Rocker Eddie Van Halen created a 'musical instrument support' in the 1980s,which had the appearance of a shelf strapped round the waist and was designed to help him play a guitar horizontally. Actress Jamie Lee Curtis designed a special nappy, containing a waterproof pocket for carrying wet wipes and late actor Marlon Brando invented an instrument to help tighten the skin of a bongo drum.

